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10.31.20 | by Chrstopher Cyphers| WATER MILL, LI – At approximately 1:30 AM, Southampton FD and PD responded to a 911 call for a car accident, on Deerfield Road. Upon arrival, first responders found a single vehicle that had driven off Deerfield Road, up a hill, flipped on its roof, and buried in the woods. Skid marks on the pavement can be seen up to the point where the vehicle left the roadway. The driver and passenger were ejected from the vehicle, provided life-saving treatment at the scene, and transported to Southampton Hospital in critical condition, both having suffered traumatic injuries. Suffolk County PD aviation units transported at least one of the victimes to Stoney Brook University Hospital. The outdoor temperature at the time of the accident was hovering just above the freezing mark. The cause of the accident is under investigation.
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