Diamond Bar, Ca – At 2:44 am Los Angeles County Fire Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies received multiple 911 calls of a solo vehicle traffic accident with one person trapped at N. Diamond Bar Boulevard and E Soltaire St. Once deputies and firefighters arrived on scene they located a solo vehicle that was up on the sidewalk with one person trapped inside the vehicle. Firefighters had to use the Jaws of Life to cut the roof off to remove the victim. The victim was transported to Pomona Valley Hospital in critical condition. Prior to the accident the vehicle struck a light pole and also took out a fire hydrant. Unknown at the time how the accident occurred or if speed or alcohol was a factor in the accident. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies are handling the investigation into the traffic accident.
Shot by: RANDY
DIAMOND BAR: Vehicle vs Pole & Hydrant with Victim Trapped
December 31, 2019