ADELANTO, Cali. (LoudLabs News) – A stabbing Wednesday night June 06, 2018 sent one man to a trauma center. The incident occurred around 8:00pm in the 11100 block of Rosedale Drive. Sheriff Deputies received a call from a grandmother stating her grandson had been stabbed and was in a car on Rosedale. An undercover deputy spotted the car and conducted a traffic stop. The deputy found a male victim that had been stabbed multiple times. California Highway Patrol helicopter H82 was in the area and landed to assist with the transport of the victim to the trauma center at Antelope Valley Medical Center. The stabbing had occurred at a different location and deputies were searching for that location. The Hispanic victim indicated that he had been attacked by two other Hispanic males. No further information was immediately available. (4 Photos Courtesy LoudLabs News)
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