A man crossing a section of Old Route 66 (Seventh Street) was struck by a hit & run vehicle Friday night in Victorville. The accident occurred around 9:00 PM in the 14200 block of Seventh Street (Route 66). The man was struck in the # 2 lane northbound lane of a the four lane roadway. The driver did not stop. The side mirror of the vehicle broke off in the accident and indicates that the hit & run vehicle was a late 90’s Jeep. SBSO Victorville and SBCo Fire responded to the scene. SBCo Fire H325 helicopter was requested to transport the victim to a trauma center but was cancelled when the victim went into full arrest. The victim was transported to Victor Valley Global Medical Center. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the man died at the hospital. Route 66/Seventh Street was closed in both directions for the investigation.
VICTORVILLE: Auto v Ped Hit & Run
July 7, 2018