Story Details: Time – 8:40pm Location – 3448 S Dennison Ave, San Pedro Handling Agencies – LAFD, LAPD
A young man in a silver Ford F150 pickup truck was struck by a man in a Cadillac near the intersection of Pacific Ave and 22nd St. in San Pedro. When the driver of the truck began to pull over the driver of the Cadillac fled away at high speeds. The young driver of the truck followed him for a few blocks before both vehicles crashed through a driveway of a home. A car parked on the street was also damaged in the accident. The hit and run driver of the Cadillac was reportedly handcuffed by a possible off-duty officer. The hit and run driver was injured and transported to a local hospital. It was also reported by several witnesses that the hit and run driver was driving of speeds in excess of 80mph (possibly 100mph) on this side street before both cars crashed. Witnesses also reported that there were possibly drugs and alcohol on scene.
August 22, 2018