Story Details: Time – 12:30am Location – 3841 Lakewood Blvd, Long Beach Handling Agencies – Santa Ana PD, Long Beach PD
One male suspect and one female suspect led Santa Ana PD on a pursuit from Orange County to Long Beach. The male driver pulled up to the entrance of the Courtyard Marriot Hotel and ran inside the establishment. The workers at the front desk confirmed that the two suspects entered the hotel and took the elevator to the fourth floor. Customers of the hotel were asked to stay in the parking lot until the hotel was cleared by officers and a K-9. After searching the hotel police officers concluded the suspects had somehow got away. The Santa Ana Crime Scene Unit was dispatched to lift fingerprints from the vehicle and to gather any further evidence. The vehicle was believed to have been stolen.
LONG BEACH: Santa Ana Pursuit Ends at Long Beach Marriot
January 19, 2019