WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA – A vehicle travelling north on Carmenita Rd was carrying 6 passengers, in a car that was made to carry 5 passengers safely, when it was met by another vehicle turning east onto Imperial Hwy resulting in a collision. The crash sent the vehicle carrying 6 passengers into a light pole at the intersection. The impact was so severe, it killed one of the passengers on impact. Seven people in total were transported to the hospital with 2 of those being in critical condition. The CHP says speed was possibly a factor in this incident and the fact that one of the vehicles was carrying more passengers than it was designed, also contributed. LACo Fire crews worked on freeing one of the victims from the car that went into the pole for nearly 30 minutes before transporting her to UCI Medical Center. CHP says they cleared the driver that failed to yield on the turn of being DUI, however it was unclear for the driver of the vehicle that slammed into the pole. CHP Santa Fe Springs is investigating.
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